Is Your Relationship Charm Losing?
We have plethora of emotions hidden inside us, they get trigger with outer circumstances, and feeling of love is one among those emotions.
It gets high, if we are attracted to someone. However, with time that feeling get low, still we feel love and comfort with our partner. Still when circumstances changes, we tend to let this beautiful feeling get overpower with other emotions. You think that your relationship is losing charm and there is nothing happening between you too, you are sad that “this is going no where”.
Instead of making small talks, we try to ignore the issues that are coming up in the relationship and this takes troll on a healthy-loving relationship.
Couples forget that to make every relationship work, efforts are required. Ups and downs are part of life, and it does come as a part and parcel in every relationship.
Two individuals, if want to stay together need to understand each other and should respect the individuality of your partner. To understand each other’s ‘point of view’ is also crucial. With time couples forget to do hard-work to sustain the beauty of relationship, so here are some common tips to make sure your relationship can cross the high and low of life, for few it can be way to revive the spark of your relationship.
Do communicate your feeling to each other
It happens that after a certain period of time, couples forget to communicate their feelings to each other. They take their relationship for granted, as this change can led to issues like feeling of ‘ignorance’ and “you have changed over time”. So, make sure your daily couple dictionary uses these words- I love you, have a great day, good morning, you are looking gorgeous, I trust you and other words, you need to make sure your partner knows that you pay attention to him/her.
Don’t forget to spend time with each other–

Initially the beginning of relationship is full of dates- lunch date, movie date, coffee date, with time these changes to work, work and work. You need to alter this, spending time is very important in every relationship. If you don’t want to go outside, then a simple coffee at home, reading books to each other, helping in household chores etc. can do wonders. You can also go for a walk together. Share your hobbies; in short don’t miss any chance to spend time together.
Don’t let misunderstanding crop in between
This happens when you have third person affecting your relationship, and here third person means a friend or colleague, your work, or any one, who give you weird assumptions to ruin your relationship. Don’t let assumptions eat your relationship. You should be direct and clear when you talk about something. Mind games eventually ends on bad note sometimes.
Don’t forget to give personal space – Your relationship with a person doesn’t mean that it all other strings are now removed from individual’s life. It is important to respect and give personal space to your partner.
Keep the spark alive of your relationship by following the above simple steps and inculcate some changes in your life, it will revive the relationship for sure.
Jan 17, 2016