10 Reasons for Moving to Teesside from London
Many people move to London in search of the dream cosmopolitan lifestyle, but is life in the City really all it’s cracked up to be? Our capital is characterised by crowds of tired faces, choking traffic congestion and extortionate prices. Why put up with it? Teesside, in North East England, can provide the perfect alternative to bustling London life, and here are just 10 reasons why it could be your perfect new home.
- Friendly Atmosphere
If you live in London, you often go weeks or months without even seeing your neighbours. In the North East, things are different. The atmosphere is much friendlier and people actually talk to one another! Girls will soon get used to the affectionate little nicknames such as ‘pet’ and ‘flower’, and it won’t be long before you are using them yourselves.
- Incredible Culture
The North East has its own distinct culture and is very proud of it. Teesside University even has a new institute for culture and the arts.
- Picturesque Scenery
Teesside provides idyllic beaches, dramatic cliffs and extensive moorland just minutes from modern cities. The open spaces and clean air will provide a welcome change from London life.
- Top Attractions
With some of the top UK attractions on your doorstep, you will be able to find something new to do every day. There are a range of wildlife centres and parks, historic monuments and even family activity centres.
- Excellent Education
GCSE and A-level grades in this region are well above the national average, so it is a great place to go to school. Durham University, one of the top 100 institutions in the world, has a campus at Stockton and Teesside University, which is the first modern university to have won the prestigious Times Higher Education Award for ‘University of the Year’, is virtually on your doorstep.
- Great Opportunities
The job market inLondon is highly competitive. In Teesside, you will still find the incredible opportunities, just without the intense competition. Landing your dream job could be much easier.
- Exceptional Healthcare
Several of the NHS services in Teesside are rated as the best in England. In addition to improved quality, you are likely to be seen by a doctor a lot faster than in London. In fact, the North East is the only region that hits both government targets for patient treatment times.
- Leisure and Sport
Whether you prefer to watch your favourite teams or get up and involved yourself, Teesside has a range of sporting opportunities for you. If you have a passion for exercise, moving to Teesside will give you the opportunity to compete in the Great North Run. For spectators, the Durham County Cricket Club Riverside ground is just a short drive away in Chester-le-Street. Alternatively, the salmon-rich waters of the Upper Tees and Teesside’s remarkable coastline are more than enough to entice any angler.
- Housing: More for Your Money
More affordable housing is one of the biggest benefits of moving from London to Teesside. Whether you are looking for a modern loft-style apartment, traditional Victorian terrace, semi in the suburbs or an idyllic family farmhouse, Teesside will not disappoint. With some of the shortest commuting times in the UK and urban housing just minutes away from tranquil countryside or beautiful beaches, the North East has a lot to offer.
- A Change of Pace
With all the hustle and bustle, life in London can seem a blur. Cramming yourself onto an overstuffed tube train in the morning rush hour can be extremely stressful and even something as simple as falling asleep can be a nightmare. In Teesside, things are more laid back, so why not move up North and relax?
If you’ve moved out of the big city or have other reasons why Teesside would be a perfect alternative, please leave your comments below.