How To Plan Weekend?
In today’s “bhagam bhag” rat-race life, weekends are those dew drops which quench the thirst of hummingbirds. Free from the worries of the official work at least you always wait for weekends to do this and that; however in the end, nothing happens, so here we are to help you and assist you in the methodological way to plan your weekend. As majority of our Janta (population) spend weekends in thinking “what to do” and “what not to do” and then the vicious circle to wait for another weekend began.
Planning is crucial, plan whether it will be an outdoor weekend or indoor one. How you want this weekend to pass. Make sure you keep a list handy in which you note down “items to buy” as you remember or your need and wind-up this shopping list on Friday itself, to ease up your life there are plethora of websites like to assist you in shopping.
Make sure you don’t change your time schedule on weekends as it hampers body clock, you can take a nap in afternoon to be lazy, however wake up on the regular time and clean and organize your home. Trust us, this step will make your whole day worry-free and stress free, do the laundry and dishes, clean the house and sit with your juice or tea and read newspaper without hassles.
Don’t forget to pamper yourself, keep a day for your own enjoyment whether it is a treatment at spa or salon or a movie or visit to your favorite place.
Distribution of work is essential, it will ease the stress and speed up your day as less time and more work will be there after the chores have been divided and completed.
For INDOOR Weekend:
Relax yourself with your favorite music, dance or Yoga or any activity you like. Make sure you do your favorite activity for an hour or two.
You can also lie down on bed for whole day and play your favorite game. You can also play game like Carom and ludo with family.
Lit aroma candles and sit in the room enjoying the fragrance or you can also pamper yourself with a home visit of beauty services or any other service you want at your doorstep.
There are numerous options apart from movie; you can search the shows and art craft fairs, or any new opening of restaurant or art gallery. Each city has historic and cultural heritage go and found the magical world which displays the glory of past or any exhibition where you can open a whole new world for yourself.
There is nothing best than to share the smile to someone in need, go and work in any NGO or old age home, the satisfaction and happiness will know no bound. You can also plan out to plant trees or clean a specific area with your friend. Choices are many just try to search per your choice and will and we are sure your weekend after our planning steps and your choices will be the best one.
Feb 19, 2016