No. 3/1/2016 – P&P-II. The Staff Selection Commission will hold an examination for Recruitment of Sub -Inspector in Delhi Police & Central Armed Police Forces CAPFs) and Assistant Sub  Inspector  in  CISF  on 20-3-2016 (Paper-I) & 05-06-2016  (Paper-II) the details of which are as under:-


Sub Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police:

The  post  carries  pay  scale  of  Rs.9300-34800  in  Pay  Band  2  with  Grade  Pay  of  Rs.  4200 and  is classified as Group ‘C’ by Delhi Police.

Sub -Inspector in CAPFs: (Central Armed Police Forces)

The  post  carries  pay  scale  of  Rs 9300-34800  in  Pay  Band  2  with  Grade  Pay  of  Rs 4200  and is classified as Group ‘B’ Non -Gazetted, Non -Ministerial.

Assistant Sub – Inspector in CISF:

The post carries pay scale of Rs.5200-20200 in PB -2 with Grade Pay of Rs.2800/-and is classified as Group ‘C’.

AGE LIMITS for the post of Sub – Inspector in Delhi Police & CAPFs and Assistant Sub Inspector in CISF is 20-25 years.


Written Examination (Date of Examination 20-03-2016 for Paper-I)

PAPER -II (Date of Examination 05-06-2016)

Note:- Deduction of 0.25 marks will be made for each incorrect answer marked on OMR Answer Sheet.

For More Details Visit Here